運輸通知:由於一些歐盟國家有禽流感狀況,無法進台。取消12月初進台,將盡快尋求解決再公布。Due to the current AI status in quite a few EU countries, Taiwan refuse to receive birds from several EU For this reason we have to cancel the December group. As soon as we find an appropriate solution..
這批原預計12/7進台的秋季網拍鴿,因荷蘭出現禽流感,延遲進台,一有消息即公布。Dear Ivy,i believe you government has enforced an immediately import stop for birds from the 🇳🇱.We find that very strange and against the basic understanding of quarantine measurements! It been tested free for Avian influenza just as your G equires !!