上周末吉諾的亞曼達B15-641獲得圖爾斯422公里4939羽省賽冠軍,也是老鴿+一歲鴿6698羽最高分速。 Last weekend we won the first Provincial Tours ( distance: 422 km), she was the fastest pigeon of 6698 pigeons! (Yearlings + old) Her name is Amanda - 3050641-15.
上上周末,丹尼的B15-174獲得蘇普327公里571羽1位、分速1744,是今年年初拍賣鴿B15-712全兄弟。yearling BE15-4185174;victory on Souppes-sur-Loigne(326,919km):1st price of 571 yearlings.His speed was 1744 m/min. The father of this pigeon is :zoon Sampras Laureaat BE08-3038098.The mother :BE 08-4357668
月初的拍賣鴿12-494作出的小孩,上上周末飛出逢特內328公里地區1位;6088羽省賽5位,恭喜!Dear,Son of hen 12-3082494 wins reg 1e arrondissement 1e Provincial 5e op 6088jaarse uit Fontenay 328km