德斯阿特-登黛夫,*更正*克萊蒙204公里,今年4/24吹強勁北風,14-178飛出319羽1位、8607羽省賽14位;同時去年是蓬圖瓦茲1604羽1位。為下周拍賣13-128鴿的全弟 This week end won the brother of 13-3042128 The provincial winner of 2015 , as it happens, 14-3044178 reg 1st fastest 319 studs. 14e price provincial 8607 studs and this with powerful NOORDERWIND
台灣春季比賽如火如荼之時,在比利時最南邊盧森堡省、暖身的短距離賽也偷偷開始了。上周日4/17查道隆(117公里),天氣普通、冷。66舍1089羽,伯里斯送了四羽參賽,入賞1-3-4-11位,為他的賽季拉開序幕。2016.04.17,my first race CHALONS (117km) with 4 pigeons. Weather conditions were not very good(temperature cold).66 fanciers entered : 1°-3°-4°-11° against 1,089 birds